
San Ezekiel Moreno Foundation

Name and surname
Position in the organization
Head of the department of education programs
+34 677 33 28 22
Full address
str. Alejandro Bell, 7-9, 50014 Zaragoza Spain
Type of organization
Legal form
Aim of the organization

Non-profit organization whose purpose is to respond to the social, training and labor needs that arise between entities and companies with people of different cultural origins in a situation of social vulnerability in the global work environment, through the development of a comprehensive service and specialized tools applied by a multidisciplinary and intercultural team

Which of the following topics would you like to further work on at the European level in the network?
Inclusive entrepreneurship
Inclusive employment
Social innovation
Gender equality
Equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups
Social entrepreneurship
Lifelong learning
Development of innovative educational methods
Youth unemployment
Research and innovation on employment
Recognition of non-formal and informal qualifications
Rural development
Social impact measurement
Area/s of expertise of the organization
Equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups
Entrepreneurial education and/or learning
Lifelong learning
Adult education
Vocational training
Youth unemployment
Career guidance / employment services
Recognition of non-formal and informal qualifications
Local development
Rural development
Social innovation