Privacy policy

In accordance with the REGULATION EU 2016/679, Data Policy, we thereby inform you that the responsible for the treatment of your data is ACTION AGAINST HUNGER SPAIN, tax identification number: G-81164105, Calle Duque de Sevilla nº3, 28002 Madrid, phone number 900100822, e-mail address: Its main purpose would be to manage your participation in the activities of the European Network of Innovation for Inclusion.

We will also use your data:

  • To send you notifications about member's activities
  • To send you alerts about European calls
  • To let other members know about your projects and your activities
  • To send you information about partner searches
  • To keep you updated about our annual European event
  • To send you e-mails about the network's activities, such as the study visits, the working groups, Skypes, webinars and information about our annual European event
  • To send you e-mails about our Call for Good Practices.
  • To share your e-mail with the members registered in this network.

The legitimacy is your consent under the terms above described. The data are necessary, if you deny doing so you would not be able to participate either in the selection process or in the programme, if you are eventually selected. The data would be kept while the project is implemented and, once it is over, during the legally established deadlines.

You are entitled to withdraw the consent given. You can exercise your right of access, rectification, erasure, portability and the limitation or opposition, by writing to the following e-mail address, attaching a copy of your ID. Furthermore, you might bring a complaint to the Control Authority (Spanish Data Protection Agency: