
ShipCon Limassol Ltd

Name and surname
Laine Vitola
Position in the organization
VET coordinator
+35 799782432
Type of organization
Legal form
Private company
Aim of the organization

ShipCon Limassol Ltd. (PIC number: 986558774) is a dynamic and fast growing company with emphasis on EU research funded projects and vocational and education training (VET). ShipCon's unparalleled experience & expertise in securing EU funding from various EU programmes, such as H2020 (ex-FP7), Life+, MED, INTERREG, ENPI MED, Erasmus+, renders ShipCon as one of the best research & consulting companies in the South East Mediterranean.

Which of the following topics would you like to further work on at the European level in the network?
Education and Training
Research and Innovation
Area/s of expertise of the organization
Research and innovation on social issues
Vocational training
European projects