
Member for

1 year 3 months
Name of the organization
ITECAM, Industrial Technology Centre of Castile-La Mancha
Full address
Ctra. Pedro Muñoz km1
POINT (-3.010412 39.180569)
Type of organization
Name and surname
Daniel Mesas Manzano
Position in the organization
Head of European Projects Unit
+34 621 267 685
Which of the following topics would you like to further work on at the European level in the network?
Inclusive entrepreneurship
Inclusive employment
Social innovation
Equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups
Entrepreneurial education and/or learning
Research and innovation on entrepreneurship
Research and innovation on social issues
Advice to entrepreneurs
Development of innovative educational methods
Youth unemployment
Research and innovation on employment
Career guidance / employment services
Recognition of non-formal and informal qualifications
Transnational cooperation/development cooperation
Local development
Rural development
Urban development
Social impact measurement

ITECAM is a Technology Centre made up of more than 290 companies from various industrial sectors. The main objective is to serve as an R&D&I department for SMEs and large industrial companies, supporting them in research, innovation, digital transformation and ecological transition.
In terms of social inclusion, we collaborate with various local entities to promote employment and training for disadvantaged groups, the disabled or people at risk of social exclusion, as is the case of Fundación Cadisla.