
Evro Proconsult Ruse Ltd

Name and surname
Zornitsa Bogdanova
Position in the organization
Type of organization
Legal form
Private company
Aim of the organization

1. Social cohesion by overcoming inter-regional and intra-regional disparities in the social sphere in Ruse region. 2. Limit the risk of social exclusion and create conditions for development and realization. 3. Improving the living environment and reducing poverty and social exclusion by raising the social and cultural-educational level, professional qualification, etc. 4. Entrepreneurship development/ Social entrepreneurship development.

Which of the following topics would you like to further work on at the European level in the network?
Education and Training
Socio-Labour Inclusion
Area/s of expertise of the organization
Equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups
Research and innovation on social issues
Social entrepreneurship
Transnational cooperation/development cooperation
Social impact measurement/evaluation