What's the project about?
The project aims to facilitate the integration and inclusion of migrants in host rural communities, involving
different and relevant stakeholders such as local, regional and national authorities, economic and
social partners, employers, and civil society organisations, including migrant organisations and local
communities creating the best local inclusion strategies and methodology to support and enhance
the migrants employability and entrepreneurship capacity in the cultural and creative sector.
Starting from an in-depth and co-participated analysis of both the refugees and the local
communities needs and expectations, up to the definition of relevant and tailored training paths to
sustain employability and entrepreneurship of refugees and local young adults in the creative
industry, the migrants will be working side by side with local young adults building up on mutual
trust and cooperation.
Who is Materahub looking for?
- organisations dealing with the integration and social inclusion of migrants, persons in need of international protection (beneficiaries of international and temporary protection, applicants for international protection) and migrant women, who therefore have the capacity to reach and directly involve the project's target group
- organisations in the cultural and creative sector that have had previous experience in inclusion projects preferably with migrants
- policy makers or public bodies that deal with inclusion for migrants and have developed or tested innovative inclusion models and policies
Want to know more about the background? Keep reading:
In Europe there is still a pressing socioeconomic gap between people with a migrant background and mainstream society.
As set out in the action plan on integration and inclusion adopted by the Commission in November 2020, people with a migrant background still face many challenges in the fields of employment, health and social care, housing, education and social inclusion that need to be addressed to ensure their full inclusion in EU societies and the economy.
At the same time, according to the Eurobarometer, Europeans are around twice as likely to see immigration as a problem as they are to see it as an opportunity, and nearly a third see it as both of these things.
Moreover, some research shows that migration policy is increasingly driven by emotions, as opposed to evidence.
Give equal opportunities to all to enjoy their rights and participate in community and social life, regardless of the background is in line with the European Pillar of Social Rights Ensuring effective integration and inclusion in the EU of people with a migrant background is a social and economic investment that makes European societies more cohesive, resilient and prosperous.
Taking into account the need for reducing social and territorial inequalities a particular emphasis should be placed on the most marginalised people with a migrant background, including those who are living in rural areas.
Migrants population of rural areas tend to fare worse on most indicators of integration not only compared to natives but also with respect to migrants living in cities and towns.
As there is generally a shortage of basic services in many rural areas, migrants may also lack the specific support services that they need.
In particular, migrant women and girls face additional obstacles to integration compared to migrant men and boys, often having to overcome structural barriers linked to their being both a migrant and female, including facing stereotypes.
They are more likely to come to the EU to join a family member, bringing with them domestic responsibilities that can prevent them from fully participating in the labour market and in integration programmes, skills assessments, re-training and other measures when these do not cater for such caring responsibilities.
When employed, migrant women are more likely to be over-qualified for their jobs than native women. Rural areas are facing social and economic challenges such as population decline and ageing or shrinking employment opportunities and possible drop in income or limited transport and digital connectivity.
However the new Vision for rural area recognise the value and an important set of opportunities for rural areas such as quality of life and the involvement of local communities in decision making.
Possibilities for active participation in public and social life, including artistic and cultural activities, are also likely to influence the relative attractiveness of rural areas.
The manufacturing energy and cultural and creative sectors have close connections to and support productivity and employment growth in other sectors in rural areas.