Who is the target group?
Long Term Unemployed Persons are individuals of working age who have been without employment for at least 12 months, irrespective of whether they are officially registered with the national public employment services.
What is the goal of this Call?
The aim of this Call is to scale up proven and promising social innovations aimed at the integration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market and fostering their social inclusion.
Who can apply?
To apply, you must be part of a consortium which consists of at least two legal eligible entities representing two different eligible countries, as follows: EU Member States; countries associated to the ESF+ (Iceland, Montenegro, Norway and Serbia).
Among these entities at least one legal entity must demonstrate a proven track record of experience in the field of long-term unemployment.
How to apply?
You can apply online via the Portal eSINNIS ((e) Social Innovation Information System). Access to the Portal eSINNIS for submitting applications will be available from August 2024.