As climate change and environmental degradation have and will have a significant impact on the world of work, there is a strong need to combine the economic project of entrepreneurs with training on issues of sustainability and a social and ecological transition. Training is a powerful and necessary tool to empower them to act for sustainable development, but we found that self-employed entrepreneurs, whatever their status, have few means at their disposal to carry out this transformation.
The “Sustainable and responsible Entrepreneurship” project (S.U.R.E) is a European cooperation which aims at supporting freelance entrepreneurs in this transition. Designing innovative practical tools and resources, the project wants to put Corporate Social Responsibility and sustainable development principles at the heart of the business model and the daily practices of individual entrepreneurs.
SURE project is cofunded by European Union under Erasmus + programme
The members are CO-ACTIONS (cooperative of entrepreneurs, France), POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ (European think tank on social and solidarity economy, Belgium), CCI VRATSA (Chamber of commerce and industry of Vratsa, Bulgaria), ARIS FORMAZIONE E RICERCA (training and research centre, Italy).
The direct participants in the project are the trainers and educators of professional training. Whether they are internal trainers, training managers or coaches or mentors, they will be able to increase their skills and integrate Corporate Social Responsibility educational content into their training programs. They will be able to pass on sustainability competences to the individual and self-employed entrepreneurs they train.