
Member for

7 months 1 week
Name of the organization
Rural Hackers
Full address
Type of organization
Name and surname
Ignacio Márquez
Position in the organization
Which of the following topics would you like to further work on at the European level in the network?
Social innovation
Gender equality
Entrepreneurial education and/or learning
Research and innovation on social issues
Social entrepreneurship
Rural development

Ruralhackers is a non-profit organization founded in 2022, operating in the rural areas of Galicia, Spain and in other international locations. Its primary aim is to combat depopulation in these areas by utilizing technology as a key tool. The organization recognizes the immense potential rural areas for innovation and growth and is dedicated to harnessing this potential through fostering a technological learning environment and knowledge sharing. Key aspects of Ruralhackers' mission include: Convergence of Arts, Social Impact, and Technology: Ruralhackers believes in the transformative potential of combining arts and social impact with technology. This approach encourages participants to think creatively, challenge norms, and envision new possibilities. The organization provides a platform for individuals to unlock their creative potential, develop critical thinking skills, and contribute to the improvement of rural areas. Comprehensive Approach to Rural Challenges: Addressing issues like depopulation, aging, lack of services, infrastructure, and environmental degradation, Ruralhackers adopts a participatory approach. It operates in Anceu, a village in Pontevedra, where it has established a Coliving Space serving as both headquarters and a venue for participants, volunteers, residents, and learners. Diverse Programs and Workshops: The organization offers a variety of workshops, European projects, events, and courses that blend social innovation, art development, and digital advancements. These programs focus on rural development, youth empowerment, coding, web development, social entrepreneurship, inclusion, artificial intelligence, robotics, and more. Experience in European Projects: The team members have over six years of experience in Erasmus Plus projects, participating in more than 20 projects.