

Name and surname
Gilberto Martínez
Position in the organization
Type of organization
Legal form
Aim of the organization

The mission of BACKSLASH is to foster and support the sustainable development of local communities and individuals’ empowerment through education and training, human rights, democratic values and international cooperation. For this, our activities are focused on career orientation, entrepreneurship promotion, youth participation and the inclusion of youth with fewer resources. Other very important pillar of the organization is its expertise in dissemination and promotion of activities and events

Which of the following topics would you like to further work on at the European level in the network?
Education and Training
Socio-Labour Inclusion
Area/s of expertise of the organization
Equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups
Entrepreneurial education and/or learning
Research and innovation on social issues
Advice / counselling to entrepreneurs
Social entrepreneurship
Lifelong learning
Career guidance / employment services
Transnational cooperation/development cooperation