

Name and surname
Mauro De Filippo
Position in the organization
Head of Labour and Trainining Policies (Technical assistance) Unit
+39 393 409 9770
Full address
Via P. Gobetti, 101 – 40129 – Bologna
Type of organization
Legal form
Private company
Aim of the organization

Among others:Inhouse Technical Assistance European Social Fund for Regione Emilia Romagna's Managing Authority

Which of the following topics would you like to further work on at the European level in the network?
Research and innovation on social issues
Development of innovative educational methods
Youth unemployment
Career guidance / employment services
Recognition of non-formal and informal qualifications
Area/s of expertise of the organization
Entrepreneurial education and/or learning
Research and innovation on entrepreneurship
Research and innovation on social issues
Business incubator
Youth unemployment
Career guidance / employment services
Local development
Rural development
Urban development
Social innovation