Working group

As a follow-up activity after the study visit to CO-ACTIONS, a workin group was organized with all participant organizations (Centro Internacional Santander Emprende, The Women's Organization Enterprising Girls and Acción contra el Hambre.

It took place on the 14th of October 2022 and during it, all organizations brough some challenges they were currently facing and would like to work on in partnership. Among those, the digital gender gap in entrepreneurship was mentioned by different participants. Also the need of embedding environmental/social sustainability within a business models and how many entrepreneurs start a business on their own without any cooperation network and/or partners, what limits their chances of succes, were mentioned.

Participants worked in groups around project ideas to solve these challenges, coming up with the following:

- Bringing female entrepreneurs to SDGs. By ensuring that your business models respond to societal challenges while becoming more sustainable, we will guarantee your long-term success by responding to the demands of the ecological transition from conception.

- Supporting small enterprises integrating enviromental approaches in their business models by:

  • Making entrepreneurs and small enterprises more aware of and committed to sustainability.
  • Equipping and enabling entrepreneurs and small enterprises to implement more sustainable practices.
  • Skilling business coaches / advisers / trainers on how to support entrepreneurs in sustainable development.
  • Getting entrepreneurs to develop the necessary skills to manage their project, consolidate their activities and grow.

Different collaboration agreements were made among participating organizations and opportunities to work together under common interests were outlined.

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