Single Market Programme (SMP COSME)
European Social Economy Missions (SMP-COSME-2023-RESILIENCE)
7 December 2023 17:00:00 Brussels time
Developing inter-regional cooperation to scale up social economy business models in regional context contexts
The general objective of this call is to boost the development of social economy SMEs active in rural areas. The project is aiming at building a European network of regional and local authorities with converging priorities on social economy and creating space and opportunities at EU level for learning and collaboration.
This call for proposals will support consortia developing collaboration through sharing and replicating best practices and learning with focus on boosting the resilience, the greening and the digitalisation of social economy enterprises and SMEs active in rural areas.
Consortium composition:
Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of minimum 4 and up to around 10 applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities), which complies with all the following conditions:
(a) at least three regional or local public governments (such as regions, municipalities, cities, etc.) validated as public entities in the Participant Register from at least three different eligible countries;
(b) at least one business related organisation such as SMEs organisation or association, social enterprises organisation, chamber of commerce, etc. relevant for this call topic;
(c) additional applicants can be other economic operators such as network or umbrella organisations, SMEs organisations, SMEs, social economy organisations or enterprises, cooperatives, NGOs, civil society organisations, local rural development and innovation agencies, technology centres and service providers, digital innovation hubs, fablabs, science parks, local industrial clusters, educational institutions, educational or vocational training organisations, chambers of commerce, etc. relevant for this call topic;
(d) each eligible applicant under (b) and (c) in the consortium must be established in the same territory covered by the regional or local public administration participating as applicant under (a), except in case of participating network or umbrella organisations.
18 or 24 months
Around EUR 250.000 per project
You can find more information here: Funding & tenders (europa.eu)