The overall purpose of this Connect NEB Call for Proposals is to activate Citizen generated solutions and initiatives to resolve challenges facing European cities, peri-urban and rural areas to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between people and to create citizen generated transdisciplinary projects addressing sustainability, quality of experience and inclusiveness.
Who can apply?
This a mono-beneficiary Call for Proposals open to legal entities (private or public, KIC partners or not) established in Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU), and/or in Third countries associated to Horizon Europe. Consortia are not allowed.
EIT funding allocation
The funding rate is 80% up to 15.000€ for each project, leaving the remaining 20% to be co-funded by the applicant.
Overall 8 selected projects (ideally a minimum 1 proposal per EIT Community NEB Challenge) can be implemented in six regions/cities located in the European Union Member States or Horizon Europe Associated Countries from February 2024 to November 2024.
29 September 2023 17:00 (Brussels time)
You can find more information here: Connect New European Bauhaus Call for proposals - EIT Food