
Fundacion Escuela de Solidaridad


We believe that our participation in the network can be extremely enriching, from different points.

Fundación Grupo Sifu


Promoting socio-labour inclusion of people with disabilities and special needs 

Fundación José María de Llanos


The essential objective of the organization is training for the employment of young people, adults and women at risk of social exclusion, from the fields of formal education, vocational training or any

Fundación José María de Llanos


The mission of the José María de Llanos Foundation is to develop and promote projects and activities of an educational, training and social nature aimed at the population as a whole with the aim of contributing to building a more just, i

Fundación Juanjo Torrejón


The Foundation pursues aims of general interest in the fields of promotion and attention to people in a situation of social risk either because they belong to vulnerable groups due to their age (childr



La Misión de la Fundación Manantial es la Atención Integral a persona con problemas de Salud Mental, con el propósito de contribuir a a que el Sistema Social actual sea un Sistema Social un poco más inclusivo en Salud Mental.