
Centro Internacional Santander Emprendimiento (CISE)

Name and surname
José Carlos Ceballos Gómez
Position in the organization
International Projects Manager
Type of organization
Legal form
Aim of the organization

Started in 2012, within Cantabria International Campus as a result of the agreement between the University of Cantabria, the Government of Cantabria, and Santander Bank, the aim of CISE is to promote innovative programs that include open methodologies and real-life experiences that stimulate the entrepreneur’s creativity. Our initiatives encourage this entrepreneurial culture and seek to support innovation in existing business models and the creation of start-ups.

Which of the following topics would you like to further work on at the European level in the network?
Socio-Economic Development
Education and Training
Area/s of expertise of the organization
Equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups
Research and innovation on entrepreneurship
Advice / counselling to entrepreneurs
Social entrepreneurship
Transnational cooperation/development cooperation
European projects
Social innovation