Working group

Following the study visit to Partas and its Social + Local Enterprise Alliance, the participating organizations Association For Social Cooperatives, Institute of Entrepreneurship Development and Acción contra el Hambre worked together on identifying common challenges and potential ideas to solve them together.

Some of the proposals that came out of this collaborative space were:

- Supporting the integration of Migrant Women in EU, through a multistakeholder collaboration scheme. The proposal suggests an itinerary will based on the partner organization’s experience and the multistakeholders' working groups’ results. A strong focus on the promotion of gender approach and new masculinities roles in the family context would be promoted, and the creation of a Women's network where migrant women rooted in the host country can share their experiences with newcomers was also considered a key element of any future project.

- Also, considering how disadvantaged areas need sustainable jobs through social enterprise and the potential resources in local areas that can be used to generate employment another project idea emerged. Creating a value chain with the potential resources in the local area and potential skill from those places was proposed, by setting up social companies detected in the value chain which have to be sustainable. The idea involves developing strategies for social, environmental and regional adaptation from the standpoint of an innovative and inclusive Resilient City.

wokgroup dublin 2018